Tk. név: Silverhall of Azurya
Tk. szám:01k - SoA - '01AKH
Neme: kanca
Szül. idő: 2001
Tenyészengedély: van
Tenyészállat? Igen / nem
°Karador 411 (2007 - Vigo d' Arsouilles)
°Aidyn 411 (2008 - Vigo d' Arsouilles)
Képzése: küllem, díjlovaglás
Rajtengedély: van
Lóútlevél: van
Összes eredménye: 22
- 1. hely - Big Starting Appearance - kanca kat. - eilk.gp
- 1. hely - Appearance of July - kanca kat. eilk.gp
- 1. hely - I. PP Mare Review - - paralia-park.gp
- 1. hely - VIII. Mistral's Dressage - Haladó kat. - avlp.gp
- 1. hely - French Appearance - Toulouse kat. - perfections.gp
- 1. hely - II. Newsreel Appearance - Fókusz kat. - avlp.gp
- 1. hely - Jump or Dance! Appearance - Díjlovaglás kat.(ABSZOLÚT GYŐZTES) - ponysland.gp
- 2. hely - Briddle Appearance - angol orrfék kat. - shagyarab.gp
- 2. hely - Sunshine Appearance - szürke kat. - eilk.gp
- 2. hely - French Appearance - Párizs kat. - perfections.gp
- 2. hely - Appearance in New York - Statue Liberty kategória - ponyisland.gp
- 2. hely - Appearance with Seasons - Tavasz kat. - breemeersenvp.gp
- 2. hely - II Channel Appearance - Viasat 6 kat. - avlp.gp
- 3. hely - Animation Film Appearance - The Mondter in Paris' kat, - avlp.gp
- 3. hely - XVIII. RW Küllem - Post rock kat. - horseracer.gp
- 3. hely - Looking Back Appearance - horseracer.gp
- 3. hely - Nations Cup - küllem, kanca kat. - life-style.gp
- 3. hely - Opening Appearance - kanca kat. - larochellecenter.gp
- 3. hely - Blue Rain Appearance - kanca kat. - ponysland.gp
- 4. hely - Plus Minus Appearance - Minus/Szürke kat. - shagyarab.gp
- 4. hely - Extreme Show Jumping - könnyű osztály, 2. forduló - auroralp.gp
- 5. hely - Happy B-day! Olimpic Games - díjugratás kat. - patanevelde.gp
7*ELITE, BEST, 2*GOOD, 2*NICE, BETTER, 2*EXCELLENT, PRIME PERFECTION CHAMPION, PRETTY, Good White Horse in M's M, Very nice horse of post rock, Nice horse of horses of rock appearance of race wish, Horse of Plus-Minus Appearance, Beautiful Horse of Briddle Appearance, Fifth horse on paradise stables, Csodálatos oldalra néző küllemló, The Best Dressage Horse in M'sM, 2nd Placed Horse in French Appearance, Excellent Dressage Horse, 1st Placed Horse in French Appearance, Elite Appear Horse, 2nd Placed in Appearance in New York, Beautiful Dressage Horse, 2nd Placed on Appearance with Seasons, Nice of Saratoga Race Course Opening Appearance, 3rd Placed on Blue Rain Appearance Beautiful Horse in M'sM, Absolute Winner Show Dressage Stallion on Jump or Dance! Appearance, 1st placed /Dressage Stallion on Jump or Dance! Appearance, Excellent Horse in M'sM
- .....
- 500.000 Ft
- 400.000 Ft
- 500.000 Ft
- 200.000 Ft
- 800.000 Ft
- 100.000 Ft
- 100.000 Ft
- 500.000 Ft
- 150.000 Ft (+ 50.000 Ft)
- 300.000 Ft